Friday, January 19, 2007

Media Checklist

1.) How often do you use the telephone? Who do you call most often?
I rarely ever use the telephone, but I am absolutely addicted to my cell phone. I use calls and texts every single day. I usually call my sister, my friends, or my parents.

2.) When's the last time you listened to a speech or public speaker where you were physically in the audience (not required for class)? What was it and why?
I think the last public speech I was physically in the audience for was a couple months ago when I got to see Tom Brokaw and Brian Williams speak about the Huntley-Brinkley Report. It was pretty cool.

3.)How often do you IM? Name two people on your buddy list or people you frequently chat with.
I don't IM as much as I used to because I don't like sitting at a computer. I would rather use text messaging or something like that.

4.) How often do you use email?
I use email a lot, especially during school.

5.) When's the last time you paid for music to listen to? What was it? CD? iTunes? Concert?
I think I bout some music off iTunes a few months ago, but I also got some CDs for my birthday.

6.) What's the most recent thing you've watched on TV? Why?
The Today Show because I like having that on in the morning.

7.) When's the last time you recorded a movie or television program? What was it?
I rarely record tv shows anymore, but I think the last time I did it was an episode of Heros, so it had to have been in the last few months.

8.) Name the most recent movie you watched for fun at a theater? DVD?
I saw Alpha Dog in the theater before I came to school and we just watched In Her Shoes on DVD.

9.) Name the type of radio station you last listened to & why?
I listen to Titan Radio of course! But really, whenever I'm in the car or at home, I listen to the generic, popular, hit music stations of the area.

10.) Name the most recent book you read for YOU (not a class)? Why?
I read Jane Austen's Northenger Abbey because I just love Jane Austen books.

11.) When was the last time you read a newspaper? Name it? Why were you reading it?
I read a newspaper just the other day in the TUB. It was a USA Today because I haven't signed up to get the New York Times yet.

12.) Same question as #5, but apply it to a magazine.
I get a subscription to Vogue and InStyle, but I also bought Elle a few months ago.

13.) When's the last time you wrote a letter and sent it?
I wrote a letter and sent it just a week ago. I'm old school and still like to send letters.

14.) Name a website you frequent or have bookmarked on your browser? When's the last time you visited? Why?
I go to because it's got all these fun newsy things on it. I haven't visited it in awhile because I have no internet in my room, which is a sad existence.

15.) Do you have a "MySpace" or "Facebook" or blog? Why?
I have all three. I like the first two because it's a way to keep in touch with people, communicate, and, let's face it, stalk your friends. And who doesn't like to do that. And I have a blog because it's required--and in all reality, my other blog is actually quite useful to give information to my capstone class and to organize stuff I'm trying to do for my future.

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